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10 Steps to Climb Out of Your Career Funk

Dear Confessional,

For most of my life I’ve been at war with my eyeballs. Sometimes at night, I fight my eyes to uncross, focus, and reopen during a strange bobble-head battle when I’ve worked too many hours during the day. Let’s also not forget that blank, open-mouthed stare while at work, followed by a day-dream about the idyllic career/position. It’s a vicious cycle between feeling grateful for what you already have and aspiring for something more.

Determining how to best proceed can be quite daunting. Whether you’re a parent or not, taking a leap of faith and fulfilling your true passion isn’t as far-reaching as it seems when you have a realistic plan to get there.

Do any of these criteria describe you?

If you can identify with any of these descriptions, keep reading. Take a closer look at these top tips for planning and achieving the direction you truly desire.

Proper prioritizing between your career and ambition, and managing a healthy lifest‌yle and family life, is harder than it seems. Is it possible? Absolutely! The only way to succeed is to first create a plan and tackle it one small step at a time, without losing sight of your happiness, health, and family.

After taking a professional hiatus for a few years to refocus my efforts on my family of 6 + 1 super furry dog, I reconciled with my eyes and became determined to dive in again, not dabble.

If you’re ready to start empowering your own life and fulfill your true ambitions with concrete action, here’s how.

1.  Determine your goals.

2.  Draw it out.

3.  Work in small steps.

4.  Stand out.

5.  Don’t overtalk or brag.

6.  Don’t lose sight of YOU.

7.  Make sure to SLEEP!

8.  Work honest and work hard.

9.  Take risks!

10.  Check off your to-do list and keep expanding.

Don’t be scared to dream bigger than you think possible! Believe it, plan it, achieve it, conquer it, and enjoy your view from the top.  You can do it! “I never lose. I either win or learn.” — Nelson Mandela

with Love,
