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10 Things Everyone Is Doing at Back-to-School Time

School is about to start and I have been talking to many of my fellow Mommy friends, seeing their cute photos on Facebook and Instagram and it seems that we are all doing the same thing, that same hilarious race to get it all done before school begins. We are squeezing every last drop out of summer and preparing (best we can) for our littles to start their school year right. (And if you haven’t started the frantic rush yet, feel free use my little list here as you mental to-do before school starts.)

1. Backpacks, Lunchboxes: The Pottery Barn catalog strategically lands in our mailbox exactly after the 4th of July. Try and resist personalizing everything from backpacks to lunchboxes.

2. Haircuts: We learned from last year. We waited until the weekend before school started and couldn’t get an appointment anywhere. My oldest started kindergarten without his fresh cut. Not this year! My husband took them last weekend. Check!

3. Completing the Summer Bucketlist: Did you make one too? Do you still have like 8 things on there? We are rushing to squeeze it all in now. One more library trip, Take them to the zoo, make that recipe, catch lightning bugs.

4. New School Shoes: I had exactly one free hour with the kids today. We stopped at Carnival Shoe Store for Nikes and to take advantage of their BOGO. They raced up and down the aisles and don’t you know it, they found the FASTEST shoes in the store!

5. School Supplies: This list has been available since May? Say What? Yet here we are, adding that on to our to-do list the week before school starts. Tissues, pencils, scissors, folders and so on.

6. School Clothes Shopping: They will be wearing their summer shorts and tees for at least for another two months but somehow we feel compelled to pick up a few new items for that first day of school pic.

7. Get the Chalkboard Ready: Some Moms are so prepared for that infamous First Day of school shot, they have ordered these pre-printed online or made their chalkboard with their current age, the date, and their teacher’s name. Good for you mammas!

8. What Teacher Do They Have? Here we go, finally the chance to look online, or posted on the school door immediately as it is available. And then what do we do? Text one another or post to Facebook to figure out who is in who’s class. “Mrs. G? Yeah, we had her last year and loved her! Those poor teachers, I think. We can’t help it. We are excited too! Of course, we love them all and I honestly think that if they are teaching at this school, they have to be amazing.

9. Earlier Bedtimes: Have your kids been up until 9, 10 p.m. this summer? Have they had a bedtime? Is it really necessary in the summer? We feel compelled to prepare them for the early to bed and early to rise routine so that they (literally) don’t miss the bus.

10. Hug and Kiss Them More: They have grown almost a foot it seems, added a few more freckles, have a few cuts and scrapes from their bikes, and we made a million memories and yet we all think the same, how has summer passed us by already?

Whether you have a month or a week or just a day until school starts, enjoy the last moments before the big change and adjustment that is before us and the mad rush of the beginning of school. All too soon we will be meeting new teachers, filling out all the papers and forms, doing homework and they will be meeting new friends. In all of the craziness that comes with this, take a deep breath and enjoy this time too.

This post originally appeared on Life, Love & Little Boys.