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Chow Down: 11 Terrific Mealtime Tools for Toddlers

Editor’s Note, November 2018: For our most up-to-date story on awesome utensils and tools for kids mealtime, click here for our most recent coverage.


You chop their food into little pieces. You’ve had food flung at your head. You spend a good portion of your time wiping down the floors, walls, and cabinets. Are you: A) the lead nutritionist at a zoo, or B) the parent of a toddler during meal times? Assuming the answer is in fact, B, then perk up, buttercup! We’ve got a dynamite list of tools to help make “feeding times” easier for you and more fun for the wild things in your life.

mOmma Warm Plate

Sometimes dinner just takes a while (building mashed potato snowmen takes time, after all). For whatever the reason, you can count on the mOmma Warm Plate to keep food appealing for the duration of the meal. Sturdy construction and food divisions makes this plate perfect for toddlers new to noshing on their own, and the hidden warm water well keeps their mac-and-cheese gooey and their toast toasty. Did someone mention snack time? Fill the well with cold water to keep those cheese slices cool!

Available online at

Photo: Lansinoh

How do you manage mealtime mayhem with toddlers? What other gizmos should we add to our list? Tell us in our comments section below. 

— Shelley Massey