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3 Healthy Food Hacks You Can Totally Sneak into Their Lunches & Snacks

Photo: Rawpixel

As cookbook writers, moms and lifelong wellness warriors, we’re always watching out for what’s next in food. One thing we’ve learned from feeding our kids: fresh ideas are a must.

You think they love that cauliflower with breadcrumbs, so you keep on making it because you’re ecstatic that they’re eating it. Then the fatigue sets in. It’s like when you tell a joke to your surly teenager and she actually laughs. You tend to repeat it because you love to be funny to her but eventually, you get the side-eye.

Here are some food trends to keep you on top of your game:

Hidden Hemp Seeds

Their omega-3 fatty acid profile is anti-inflammatory. They are next in line of all the “hip” seeds over the last decade: pumpkin, sunflower, flax and chia. They may be the best yet. Sprinkle at will. Wherever.

Just Beet It

They’re high in dietary folate and nitrates (cognitive function boost, we’re looking at you!). Golden beets are delicious, easy to cook—roast or boil them, nothing to it—and they don’t stain and get all over everything

On the other hand, just one red beet can do amazing things for your table. We’ve been roasting one and popping it into traditional hummus for some nice flavor and incredible color. It tastes healthy and delicious and looks like strawberry ice cream!

Homemade Nut Butters

We’ve loving almond butter, with cashew butter rising. It takes patience to blend nut butter just so, but the flavor is incredible. So much better than store bought.

Once you’ve slaved over a hot food processor or blender, the possibilities are endless. There’s the obvious almond butter toast with a drizzle of honey, maple syrup or jam, the base for a yummy Asian sauce to use in a rice or quinoa or barley or noodle bowl or a protein punch-up for your morning oatmeal. (Don’t love dairy? Put that stuff on your bagel instead of cream cheese.)

Getting a picky eater to eat can be tricky, but these tricks will at least help you make those lunches and snacks just a little bit healthier—and your kids will be none the wiser.