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6 Habit Hacks to Keep Your Healthy Resolutions After the New Year

I can’t believe one month into 2019 is already gone! It’s such a great time of year to reassess our lives and what’s important to us. Usually it’s around this time of year that we realize we should be spending more of our precious time with family and friends and taking care of our health. This typically means eating and drinking better or exercising more. Many find the goals they set for the New Year quickly dwindle as the year gets busy and we get back into our same bad habits and routines.

Did you know that by February most people have given up on their resolutions?!

To help with that, I’ve put together six hacks that you can implement with your family that will help guide you through out the entire year

Start Small

Whatever your family’s large goal is break it down into small daily tasks you all can accomplish easily. Instead of, “We are going to exercise more;” decide to take the stairs everywhere you can instead of the elevator. When it comes to food, instead of saying, “We are going to eat healthier”, say “We are going to cook a healthy home cooked meal at least three times per week”. For learning something new, instead of, “We’re going to learn a new language,” purchase a CD program and agree to listen to a language CD for 20 minutes every day. The best way to take a large impossible goal is to turn it into small manageable tasks.

Get The Hard Stuff Done First

Procrastination is a hard habit to kick and most of us try to put off the hard stuff as long as possible. I say do those things first and get them out of the way. Make exercise your first task of the day so you don’t have to worry about fitting it in later. Plus, you’ll feel really good about yourself all day long because you’ve already accomplished something so great for the day.

Replace Screen Time for Goal Time

Take a true inventory of how much time you each are spending in front of a screen – computer, TV, tablet, phone and reassess your priorities. More screen time means less of everything else time whether that’s spending time with each other or spending time taking care of yourselves (for example things like exercising or taking the time to make a healthy meal).

Find Some Balance

These days, families are busier than ever, sometimes to the point of exhaustion. Take time to look at your schedules and determine what activities are most important. Consider minimizing your activities so you have more down time to rest and recuperate during the week and give you more time to accomplish new goals as a family.

Go For Walks (Exercise & Reconnect)

Taking the family on a walk regularly throughout the week not only helps with getting much needed exercise in but it also allows the family to bond much more than usual. It’s important to leave all technology at home on your walks and really spend time talking with each other.

Be Thankful & Grateful

As soon as everyone wakes up in the morning, write down three things that you are thankful for. There is science behind thankfulness and happiness. The more thankful you are, the happier you are, the happier you are, the more likely you are to accomplish your goals for the day.

I hope these tips help you and your family get focused for the New Year and really put some plans into action that will allow you to reach your 2019 goals. Good luck!