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7 Tips for Keeping Kids Healthy All Winter Long

Photo: The Little Gym

Although it’s starting to warm up in some parts of the country, many areas are still dealing with the cold of winter and with winter illnesses sweeping classrooms everywhere, keeping your kids healthy and ready for the day is still a top priority. According to the Center for Disease Control, there have been approximately 26,000,000 cases of the flu just this season and with Coronavirus also rearing its head this year, how to stay healthy has come to the forefront of the conversation. Below are just a few tips for helping to prevent sick days and keeping a healthy family all winter long.

1. Get more ZZZ’s: Research shows that adequate sleep can help children fight obesity, illness, and can also help kids perform better in school.
2. Elbows Up!: Encourage your children to cough and sneeze into their elbow crease, not their hands which spreads more germs. 
3. Limit Stress:  A study found that 13 out of 100 children experience some type of anxiety disorder and many more are simply stressed out. Reduce stress with regular physical activity, implementing a daily routine, encouraging positive sleep habits, or engage in some stress-free family activities.
4. Get Moving!: Did you know that physical activity can boost your immune system? It’s true! Encourage your child to bundle up and play outside, or head on over to your local gym like The Little Gym for some indoor activity.
5. Hug More: Increased levels of oxytocin from hugs can help strengthen your child’s immune system which ultimately helps to fight infections. 
6. Eat Healthy: Healthy family meals that contain a variety of fruits and vegetables that contain immunity-boosting nutrients that can help keep you and your little ones healthy. If your child is not too fond of certain healthy foods, try adding them to sauces, smoothies, or soups to ensure your child is still getting the nutrients they need.
7. Wash Up: This goes without saying, but it’s important to wash your hands often. Scrub hands in warm, soapy water for at least 20 seconds.  For little ones, sing a song to make it more fun. For moments when you’re not by a sink, keep hand sanitizer or sanitizing wipes on hand.

By following these tips, it won’t necessarily eliminate the possibility of sickness, but it will up your chances of keeping your kiddos happy and healthy during the long winter season.