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7 Ways to Have the Healthiest Summer Yet

Summer is the perfect time of year to get a fresh start. You’ll likely take a few vacations, see new places and meet different people. Take advantage of the season without unintended consequences by learning about these seven ways to have a healthy summer.

Sometimes a bit of fun can have repercussions on your health, but you’ll only have positive summer memories if you remember these tips. See if you could try any of these ideas to feel better even after the fall flu season begins.

1. Wear Sunscreen Often
The hot sunshine will hurt your skin even when you’re not at the pool. Walking around an outdoor farmer’s market or walking the dog exposes you to harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays that create sunburns. Apply sunscreen on any uncovered skin, like your cheeks, hands and feet. Preventing sunburns keeps your skin healthy and reduces your chances of developing skin cancer.

2. Drink Enough Water
People often say that you should drink eight glasses of water every day, which might come to mind when the outdoor temperature stays consistently high. If you stop sweating, feel faint or start dealing with dry skin, you’re likely not drinking enough water during the summer.

Researchers recently tried to find a scientific answer to how much water adults should drink daily. After their study, their numerous efforts provided no definitive answers because everyone is different. As long as you’re always aware that your body needs water, you’ll feel great all year long.

3. Discuss Preventive Care
Taking care of yourself starts at home. Discuss potential new preventive care measures with your doctor to determine if you’re missing any crucial steps. Preventive care is a term that includes screening, vaccinations and lab work along with annual checkups. 

4. Start Family Exercises
Movement strengthens your muscles and improves your immune system, so get the whole family involved. Jump in the pool together, go on morning runs or play hopscotch on the driveway after lunch. You’ll spend more time outdoors anyway, so add a little movement to benefit everyone’s physical health.

Don’t forget to practice exercise safety before everyone gets moving. Strap on knee pads if you’ll roller skate or wear shoes that support your arches if your family goes on a long walk. It could prevent injuries or make you more comfortable while trying new activities.

5. Stay Away from Sugar
Hot weather makes ice cream and popsicles more appealing, but they should only be occasional treats. Even fruit smoothies made by health-conscious brands contain added sugars that harm your health. Research proves that overconsumption of sugar predisposes the heart to disease—as much as smoking! Staying away from sugar is one of the many ways to have a healthy summer and transform your life.

6. Watch Allergen Reports
Seasonal allergies don’t last long, but they can make you feel like you caught a virus. Watch local allergen reports during morning weather reports or in your newspaper. They’ll predict when levels for things like pollen and ragweed will soar. You can proactively take over-the-counter allergy medicine and avoid the symptoms that could ruin your summer fun.

7. Start a New Hobby
Most people have more free time during the summer. Young people don’t have to be in school and everyone else takes vacations or enjoys the occasional national holiday. Use that time to improve your mental health by starting a new hobby.

The right hobby engages your curiosity, teaches you something and doesn’t add stress to your life. You could garden to clear your mind and relieve stress or cook new recipes while developing your self-confidence. Think about what activities make you excited during your free time to defeat anxiety and feel more grounded.

These are seven simple ways to have a healthy summer, so experiment with them to see which one is right for you. Getting more active could improve your health. You might benefit most from preventive care if you already eat a healthy diet and apply sunscreen every day. Consider your lifestyle to figure out the best way to have a healthier summer this year.