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13 Trees That Will-ow Amaze You

Your kiddos play beneath their shade all summer long, and you have aspiring dreams of building a fortress among the leaves. No doubt about it, trees are pretty awesome. Living beings that produce over half of the fresh air we breathe, there’s reason to celebrate their lofty reach. In honor of Arbor Day, we’ve complied a gallery of the coolest trees in the world. Read about an ancient bristlecone pine tree in California, a Guinness World Record cashew tree in Brazil and more breathtaking beauties below.

Silk Cotton Tree – Angkor Wat, Cambodia

The Ta Prohm Temple wouldn’t look as spectacular without those silk cotton trees snaking in and out of the ruins. Any tiny Indiana Jones would appreciate how persistent these roots are as they leave no crevice unexplored. Moreover, these trees provide a nice shadowy canopy for by-passing tourists who have to squint under the bright sun. Hop over to NY Times for an old, but engaging story of the trees.

photo: Traveling Shapy

Which tree is your favorite? Let us know in the Comments below! 

— Christal Yuen