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An Ad-Free Magazine That Makes Learning Art Fun

We can only take our kids to so many art galleries (errr…we mean, kid ourselves into thinking our little ones will have the attention span to look at art) in the hopes that they’ll absorb some high brow culture before we’re ready to give up and hand over our iPad. Instead, opt for a more hands-on approach and watch your budding artists develop a real interest in art that they create themselves. That’s why we’re excited about ArTree, a brand new art magazine for kids that will give your kids the chance to create fun projects while also learning a thing or two about art theory.

ArTree aims to each real art concepts and techniques through fun games, projects, and crafts that you can do with your kids. Each issue features between 3-5 artists and uses them to introduce important art concepts like colors, light and shadow, and storytelling. And you don’t need any special supplies for the projects–most of the materials you need are things you probably already have in your house (and a few you didn’t even know you had).

Created by Bothell-based mom and art director Eva Soukal, ArTree is designed for kids ages 2-8, ensuring that all the activities and games are kid-tested and approved. Each issue is printed on high quality paper, and has no ads whatsoever. That’s right, it’s 32 pages of nothing but art for your kids. And if for some reason they exhaust all of the projects in the issue, there are always extra activities your kiddos can print out from the ArTree website.

ArTree is currently hosting a kickstarter to raise enough funds for the first year of publication (6 issues). There are still a few days left to donate, so show your support for this awesome project and get your kiddo painting and learning their way towards his or her first art masterpiece.

With many art programs being cut in schools, do you think projects like ArTree are good supplements for kids?

— Scott Wardell

photos courtesy of Eva and the ArTree website/facebook page