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Paging Dr. Mom: 8 Home Remedies For Little Patients

With school starting back, ’tis the season for them to start sneezin’. Don’t dread the dozens of doctor visits just yet, as you may have the cure right there in your cupboard. We asked around and gathered up wisdom from women of generations past who raised their children (somehow!) without having their pediatrician on speed dial. From urban legends that prove true to family folklore, read up on these simple solutions that have stood the test of time.


Most moms know that vinegar is a celebrated, all-natural cleaner, but many don’t realize its anti-septic abilities also apply when you need an anti-bacterial agent for your imps. A shot of apple cider vinegar (a natural probiotic) can cure everything from sinus infections to sore throats and assist in fighting acne, constipation and food poisoning. Add a splash of white vinegar to your to your kid’s bath to ward off everything from athlete’s foot to yeast infections—or drop a watered down mix into their ears to prevent swimmer’s ear (assuming they don’t have tubes or any other pre-existing condition). Be sure to add some to their laundry and wipe down surfaces with a white vinegar solution as well to eradicate all traces of funk.
Who Knew? When your little ones start to come down with a cold, drink a shot of ACV once a day to keep from catching it yourself.

PLEASE NOTE: This information is gathered by a mom, not a MD, so you should always consult your child’s pediatrician before trying to treat something yourself—and especially seek medical attention if the issue seems serious or if there are any pre-existing conditions.

Do you have a home remedy that works? Share your secret and tell us below!

–Phebe Wahl

All photos courtesy of Amazon and Creative Commons via Flickr