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Ice, Ice Baby: Awesome Ways to Keep Playtime Chill

The sweltering temps of long sunny days call for a little ice, ice, baby. Keep your kids busy with any number of awesome and icy adventures, from excavating a LEGO mini-fig to stacking cool and colorful cubes. Wander through our flipbook below to find nine awesome ways to help keep it chill.

Spoon Race

It’s a spoonful of fun with this race. Just an ice cube per kiddo, a finish line and someone to yell GO! For extra thrills, set this one up like an obstacle course. Everyone will have a challenge to keep the melting ice on the spoon. See how it’s done with Brisbane Kids.

photo: Brisbane Kids

Editor’s Note: Please do not leave kids unattended with adult tools and materials. These activities should be experienced with parental supervision at all times. 

How do you and your family keep it cool? Share with us in the comments.

—Gabby Cullen