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11 Amazing Grow-With-Me Toys to Add to Your Registry

Let’s face it, babies come with a lot of stuff! And that stuff accumulates fast, eventually taking up any and all of the space you had pre-baby. Don’t stress! These toys not only grow with baby, but they also save on space, which is something, along with sleep, we all need more of.

Fisher-Price 3-in-1 Bounce-Stride and Ride Elephant

Baby can bounce, push, and then ride on this jungle animal that is anything but wild. Plus, this little critter plays music, lights up, and makes funny sounds. It morphs from a sitting bouncer, then into a first steps walker, and finally a baby-powered ride on.

Available at$56.47

Does your baby have a favorite grow-with-me toy? Tell us about it in the Comments section below. 

—Jenn Andrlik