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Cutting Edge Kickstarter Projects for New Parents

We are lucky to be bringing up babies at a time when there’s always a new innovation, promising to make childrearing easier and Kickstarter is available to help fund these newbie projects. What’s up and coming in the world of products for new parents? From swaddles made from a NASA-space suit material to a shirt that fights back against spit up stains, here are four projects, currently on Kickstarter, that we hope get funded.

A NASA-Inspired Swaddle

Who would have guessed that material originally designed for NASA space suits would be perfect for keeping babies and toddlers cozy while they sleep? Little Lotus swaddles, sleep sacks and cozy blankets are made from this material (which is also soft for baby), to keep tots at an optimal temperature by storing and releasing heat as needed to maintain a steady temperature. Wrap your baby up in a Little Lotus at bedtime and you won’t have to guess whether she’s too hot, too cold, or just right.

What we really love though, is how this project helps babies in developing countries. For every swaddle, sleep sack and cozy blanket purchased, Little Lotus will help a baby in need with an Embrace infant warmer. The portable and inexpensive incubator alternative is made from the same material and designed to keep premature infants warm in countries where incubators aren’t an option.

Learn more about Little Lotus on Kickstarter.

A Vibrating Sound Machine

Getting a newborn to sleep isn’t always (or ever?) easy. All that rocking, swaying, shushing, strolling, singing and sneaking out of the nursery inspired Lullafi. The innovative little gadget, about the size of a garage door opener, is a sound machine and vibration-creator all in one. Attach it to the crib, car seat or bassinet to recreate the low frequencies that babies hear in the womb along with gentle vibrations.

Does your newborn conk out the minute you strap him in the car seat and go for a drive? The Lullafi promises to mimic that experience and magically help your baby sleep. We have our fingers crossed for this efficacy of this product!

Learn more about Lullafi on Kickstarter.

A Fashion Staple That Fights Back Against Spit Up & Spills

The sure sign of a new mom? A spit up-stained shirt. No matter how hard you try, when you’re in the trenches of new motherhood (or even many years in) you’re bound to get spattered with spit up, baby food, poo, wine, sweat and pretty much anything you could imagine. That’s why we love The Unstainable White Shirt from Elizabeth & Clarke.

This classic silk white blouse employs the magical power of nanotechnology to repel just about any water-base or oil-based spill including sweat. Dare to get dressed for work before feeding your kids breakfast or get ready for a night out before putting your kids to bed. This shirt can handle it!

Learn more about The Unstainable White Shirt on Kickstarter.

An At-Home BPA Test Kit

Babies put everything in their mouths. Everything. You spend tons of time researching which bottles, pacifiers, teethers and toys are safe for your munchkin to gum. But then, there are the items you didn’t plan on becoming chew toys. What is that music class maraca really made of? Are those toys from your toddler’s birthday party goodie bag okay? Does that receipt she just grabbed out of your hand have BPA in it? Find out with the BPA Scout.

This easy-peasy home test kit contains single-use swabs that’ll detect BPA instantly on anything you want to check.

Learn more about BPA Scout on Kickstarter.

Which of these projects would you like to see get funded? Tell us why in a Comment.

–Julie Seguss