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Pregnancy Apps Every Mom-to-Be Should Have

That glow? Sure, she’s beaming with pride — but we have a hunch the light from her smartphone has something to do with it, too. With so many digital resources for moms and moms-to-be these days, expectant mamas are just an app away from information and tools to make their lives easier. Click through our album to see our top ten picks.

Foods to Avoid

You may never scrutinize labels and ingredients as closely as you do now. Between dressings and drinks, meats and seafood, the list of what’s unsafe to eat can get confusing. No more googling, bookmarking, or checking in with Siri; whip out this app as a guide with easy-to-navigate categories and lists of the biggest mercury-laden culprits, caution-worthy cheeses, and more. There are tips and valuable info, too, such as caveats and exceptions to rules that help inform your dietary decisions. Go ahead; eat for two, with peace of mind.

$0.99 on iTunes.

What app do you use to find out anything and everything? Let us know in the Comments!

— Selena Kohng