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15 Signs This Is Your Last Baby

Whether it’s your first baby or your fourth, moments with your child feel a little different when you know you’re done having kids. Here are 15 things you might notice when you’re on your last baby.

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1. Part of you hopes that pregnancy kicks, even the ones that feel like your baby’s pummeling your liver, never end.

2. As soon as your baby moves on from 3- to 6-month-size onesies, you chuck them into a bag and pass them off to your expecting friends.

3. You buy the cute (and expensive) diapers because they’re so adorable, and you won’t have a reason to keep diapers around much longer.

photo: iStock

4. You don’t try to encourage this little one to walk early by having them toddle around while gripping your fingers. You want this baby to stay right where you can see them, and out of the kitchen cabinets, for as long as possible.

5. Since you see an end to nursery rhymes coming, you can last multiple rounds of the usually mind-numbing patty-cake.

6. You coo (and sometimes even get a little teary) over babies just a few months younger than your own.

photo: iStock

7. You’re shocked by how quickly you’ve become the random stranger in the grocery store who tells parents of newborns, “Enjoy it while it lasts! It goes by so quickly.”

8. There’s a tiny thrill, amid the exhaustion, when your little one wakes you at night, because you get to spend more time with your sweet, snuggly babe.

9. You scope out doggy rescue websites to find a puppy to fill the unmet need for cuddles you’ll have once your baby is toddling about and out of your arms.

photo: iStock

10. As you flip back through old photos, it’s not with a desire for more little ones, but to reminisce about the moments you had with your own children.

11. You no longer find conversations about the best jogging stroller on the market or the newest advancements in baby carriers quite so fascinating.

12. Every moment gets snapped and shared on social media so your friends and family can savor these last remaining moments of teeny-tiny baby cuteness along with you.

photo: iStock

13. You start looking forward to having grandchildren of your own one day to spoil and snuggle.

14. You’ve already replaced sweet nursery decor with older kid stuff: out with the bird mobile, in with a life-size cutout of Boba Fett or Superman.

15. You look around at your family – whether it’s a family of two or three or four or moreand you just know it’s complete. It’s just the right size.

Oz Spies


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