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Two Kids Under Two: Why It’s Awesome

Having two little ones less than two years apart can be overwhelming: two in diapers, two cribs, two little ones waking you up at night. But there’s lots to love about two under two! If you find yourself expecting another baby before your first kiddo blows out the candles on her birthday cake, check out this quick list of seven great things about having kids so close together.

Photo: Eduardo Merille via Flickr

Permanent Play Date

Once your youngest can sit up and giggle, your two littles will never be short on play dates. They’ll learn to share – though sometimes it might be a struggle! – and have a ready-made buddy for life. There’s nothing quite like toddlers lavishing love on their baby siblings. Awe….

Photo: Anitapeppers

Diaper Time

Yes, you’ll have two in diapers. But on the plus side: if your oldest isn’t potty trained when your youngest is born, she won’t regress, refuse underwear and want to wear diapers like the baby. She’ll still be in diapers! Plus, you won’t find it jarring to get back into the diaper-changing routine, since you haven’t left it yet.

Photo: Stephanie Champan via Flickr

They Won’t Know Any Different

When the older kid is around age one when the younger is born, the oldest sibling won’t even remember life without their brother or sister. Being a duo will be a given, a constant, something to love and to accept.

Photo: kakisky

Sharing All That Gear

Shirts, toys, wooden blocks, baby carriers, Cheerios: two under two means your kids will be sharing their stuff, and you’ll already have most of the baby and toddler supplies on hand that you’ll need. Except a double stroller, of course!

Photo: Seattle Municipal Archives via Flickr

Baby Proofing

When siblings have four or more years between them, parents have yanked out the outlet plugs and the big kids have an oozing supply of tiny LEGO bricks, just waiting to be choked on by the baby. When the big kid is a toddler, his chunky blocks and soft dolls are safe for a curious crawler. Plus, when kiddo number two comes so quickly behind kiddo number one, outlet plugs and baby gates are still set!

Photo: Pixabay

Everybody Loves Choo Choos

With two under two, you won’t have to worry about an older sibling whining about visiting the petting zoo yet again, or a younger kid left behind when you take their big brother to see a superhero flick. It’s a safe bet that kids so close in age will have shared interests: they’ll both dig the kiddie train, and everyone will agree that Sesame Street is the show to watch.

Photo: Via Pixabay

Impressive Biceps

On you, not them. You’ll have lots of chances to carry both your littles to and fro, which means you won’t have to visit the gym. Yes, you’ll probably be tired, but you’ll get some really nice muscles out of the deal to show off what a super mom you are.

Tell us: If you have two under two, what’s the best thing about it?

-Oz Spies