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Sleep After Swaddling: Wearable Blankets and Swaddle Wraps You Need Now

Swaddling works wonders for soothing and boosting baby sleep – until it doesn’t. Suddenly your little Houdini is breaking one hand out, and two and before you know it every limb is flailing about in the crib. What’s next? Start with a swaddle wrap that keeps arms in thanks to snaps or Velcro and then transition to a wearable blanket or sleep sack. Here are 9 of our favorites. Sleep well!

Wrap Star

ErgoBaby not only makes ergonomically designed carriers, but also they have fashioned a sleep wrap that helps properly position Baby's hips and legs when swaddled too. Slip your little one's arms into pockets, wrap and Velcro them securely, place legs in a pouch and she's ready for a sound night of sleep.This is also a good option for newborns if you can't seem to master the art of swaddling blankets.

Available at, $45 for set of two.

What sleep sack helps your baby sleep? Tell us in a Comment.

–Julie Seguss