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11 Less Obvious Pics That Should Make It Into Every Baby’s Photo Album

a mom snuggling her baby in the park which makes a great pic for baby's photo album


Remember when our parents used to lug around an actual camera and cross their fingers that we’d hit some new milestone or do something adorably silly while it was on hand? And don’t get me started on those massive, back-breaking camcorders that seemed to be running at all times. Lucky for today’s parents, whose smartphones are practically glued to their hands, capturing moments for your baby’s photo album couldn’t be easier.

Of course you’ll be sure to document the first crawl, first smile, and very first picture with mom and dad in the hospital, but there are so many other sweet snaps that may pass you by in your baby haze. So we’ve gathered 11 of our favorites to add to your mental checklist and share with family and friends on the Tinybeans app (and they’re going to go nuts over that shot of baby tasting a lemon, we promise).

Our Fave Moments to Capture for Baby’s Photo Album:

Seeing the world through their eyes

There’s something so absurdly cute about a baby’s tiny head looking out a big window at the world beyond. And since you’re never in the pics, Mom, ask your partner to snap a photo of you holding your babe up to a window while you both look out together. You might not know this yet, but there will be so many moments where you get to see the world through your kid’s eyes and it’s magical.

Big diaper, little baby

Sure you’ll take tons of pictures of your scantily clad baby, but there’s something about seeing that teeny tiny newborn in a massive diaper that looks like it takes up their entire body. The way it shows off their gangly little chicken limbs and memorializes just how small they were is a total *chef’s kiss* and you’ll want to share this pic with family and friends immediately.

The many faces of squish

Whether they’re aggressively pushing out a poop, looking panicked and puckered as they try lemon for the first time, or just throwing out a toothless grin, babies give hilarious face. Be sure to capture as many as you can.

When the latch hits right

If you’re planning on breastfeeding, a photo of that first latch is really powerful and touching. While some unicorn babies latch on immediately like it’s nothing, for many of us it takes a minute (or many) to figure it out. But once they’re latched and that oxytocin starts coursing through your body, you’ll want photographic evidence of this special time. Sharing with loved ones optional, of course.

Siblings (human or furry) meeting for the first time

While my husband told his mom to take his baby brother back to the store, hopefully, your child will be a bit more welcoming. And if not, it’s still super hilarious. Whether it’s a sweet or sour moment, your kids will one day appreciate having the moment memorialized. And for the record, after beating each other up for 11 years, my husband and his brother ended up best friends.

But wait, don’t forget your furry firsts! As a house that has many heartbeats in it (so many we call it the Funny Farm), it was crucial for us to grab a photo of our “first babies” meeting the tiny human one. We even have a sign that says, “First we had each other, then we had the furbabies, then we had you, and now we have everything.” I’m so glad we captured the dogs sleeping by my son’s car seat and “guarding him” when we first brought him home, especially since one of them is no longer with us. But we’ll always have that cherished moment of them meeting their little “brother” in our baby’s photo album, one that our now five-year-old loves to look back on.

Impromptu family nap time

It was the best of times, it was the sleepiest of times. Grab photos of each other dozing on the couch with baby on your chest to commemorate both the sweetness and the exhaustion. It helps you remember that amid all the poopsplosions and colicky tears and soul-crushing monotony, there were awesomely serene, cozy moments.

A particularly messy meal

There’s nothing better than a baby photo with an entire bowl of spaghetti on their head, complete with noodles falling over their eyes and a full beard of red sauce. Whether it’s spaghetti, queso dip from the Mexican restaurant, macaroni and cheese, smashed peas, or applesauce, make sure you capture this sweet and hilarious moment before you have to clean it up. Bonus: In addition to baby’s photo album, this messy meal pic makes a great slideshow addition for their wedding rehearsal dinner.

Milk-drunk and dozing peacefully

There’s a certain look of complete calm, serenity, and joy when a newborn is milk-drunk. Whether they’ve just inhaled a bottle of warm milk or finished a nursing session, that look of contentment on their face is the best (especially when there’s a little drop of milk dribbling down their chin). Plus, you’ll want to look back on this peaceful moment when your child is five and screaming “poopy poopy bum bum” at the top of their lungs while diving off the couch. Trust me.

SO excited to see you

The first time you go to get your baby from a nap and they’re standing in the crib facing the door and beaming with excitement, your heart might just explode. The cuteness is doubled if they’re in a sleep sack. When they’re a teenager rolling their eyes at you,  you can open up your Tinybeans app and remember the good old days, when your mere presence lit up their face.

First bath (and hooded towel) of many

Most babies hate that first bath; It’s weird and uncomfortable, and they get really cold, really easily. (Pro tip: Wet a washcloth with warm water and drape it on their tummy to keep them toasty.) If they’re rage screaming throughout the bath, you’re going to want to grab a photo or two, but you might have better luck once they’re all clean and wrapped in their little hooded towel. Beyond. Later, when your babe is used to it, there will be tons of bath cuteness to capture, from their first time hitting the tub with siblings or cousins to their little bums as they stand peering over the side of the bath while it fills.

Selfies, selfies, and more selfies

Remember what we said about you never being in the pics? Sure your partner may not think to take those beautiful candid shots when you’re hanging as a family (or find a way to only capture poses where you look like a troll), but it’s time to take matters into your own hands. Whether you’re strolling through the grocery store and it’s baby’s first time sitting in the cart or you’re lazing around playing on your bed, snap a few selfies whenever you can. It’s the “proof of life” you’ll be so happy to have down the road when those moments are just a distant memory in the baby book.

Make sure to capture all these adorable moments—and share them with your family and friends near and far—with the Tinybeans app. The secure platform puts parents in total control of who sees and interacts with photos and videos of their kids and makes it easier than ever to turn them into a keepsake photo book.