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Share This! 15 Stories About Siblings That’ll Warm Your Heart

Even if your little sprouts seem to set up a grudge match over just about everything: choosing the Friday night movie, toppled LEGO towers, and endless hours of she-touched-me-again, in the end, a brother or sister is a built-in best friend. (Who better to help drive Mom crazy or snicker with at Dad’s creative cooking?). Flip through the album to see our picks for best picture and chapter books celebrating the ultimate family bond.

Tikki Tikki Tembo

Age: 3-8

Tikki tikki tembo-no sa rembo-sari bari ruchi-pip peri pembo. Can you chant it without looking? You will after a few readings of this classic picture book, in which a neglected second child (Chang) saves his favored older brother (he of the long name) from a disastrous fate. The stunning, detailed illustrations alone are worth repeated readings.

Available on, $6.95.

What’s your favorite book about siblings? Share with us in a comment below!

— Emma Bland Smith