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Raise Your Standards: Jazz Music for Kids

If a trip to the Big Easy for Mardi Gras isn’t on your list of weekend must-dos, we’ve found the next best thing with a collection of jazz albums for kids. From the traditional NOLA jazzy flare to soothing lullabies, these latests and greatest collections will leave your kiddos wanting more…music! Click through the gallery to discover some of our favorites.

Lucy Kalantari: Big Things

The album name sums it up and it is fair to say you can expect big things from this album. From lullabies to birthdays to gardening, this sweet round up is some of the best jazz music for kids around, with smooth vocals from a bygone era and upbeat jazzy fun. If you like this one, be sure and check out her previous album, Pockets Full of Joy, too. We’re not going to lie: we listen to both albums even when the kids aren’t around.

Visit to listen for yourself.

What’s your favorite jazz for kids? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below. 

—Amber Guetebier

all photos courtesy the artists or Amazon