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What to Read Next? We Tell You.

Getting hooked on books is a blast — so much so that you’ve probably found yourself reading the same ones over and over and over. If you’re stuck on repeat, branch out and try new books and authors that will remind you of your faves. Flip through our album to discover read-alikes of all the stories you love … with a twist of their own.

If You Swoon for Kay Thompson’s “Eloise,” Make Way for Babette Cole’s “Princess Smartypants”

Oh, Eloise. The little girl who lives at The Plaza Hotel in New York City goes on adventures to places from Moscow to Paris -- and she brings her extravagant imagination with her. Likewise, Cole's Princess Smartypants is an independent little miss with a big sense of humor. You'll get plenty of laughs (and warm-fuzzies) from both power girls.

What book do YOU recommend we read next? Let us know in the Comments!

— Natasha Davis, with layout by Christal Yuen