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Shoe Me the Way: 3 Cool Ways to Upcycle Old Shoes

Kids outgrow (and wear out) their shoes faster than you ever thought possible. Passing shoes down to the next generation is always a great idea, but sometimes the shoe won’t fit. If you’ve got a pair or two of tiny shoes hanging around the house, try one of these clever ways to reuse them. Scroll down for the details.

photo: Our Enchanted Garden via flickr 

Rainboot Shoe Planter
You may have seen other shoes used as planters but the rainboot is the best because of its depth and water proof-ness. All you need to do is drill a small hole or two in the bottom to let water drain, fill up with a light potting mix and plant. We recommend planting a small annual flower, like johnny-jump-ups, or something that doesn’t require a ton of growing space like a succulent.

Baby Shoe Pincushion
We are in love with Wendy at
Handmade Harbour and her many amazing ideas, but we find her baby shoe-into-a-pincushion plan too cute to resist. Preserve that tiny shoe for years to come by getting the tutorial here.

Shoe Door Stop
This works great for a single shoe that has more life in it than it’s companion (in other words, the one with less of a hole in it), and ideally a boot of some kind. You’ll need an old pair of tights or trouser socks: something on the thinner side is best. Fill it up with pea gravel or sand (putting this in a sock helps prevent curious hands from digging in). Tie the sock off well and slide into the shoe: be sure to put the knotted end into toe. Voila! 

Got a great upcycling-shoe idea? Share it in the comments! 

—Amber Guetebier