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Country Time Lemonade Offers Stimulus Checks to Little Entrepreneurs

Summertime means lemonade. Unfortunately due to social distancing guidelines, lemonade stands across the country are closed. To help the smallest of small businesses, kids’ lemonade stands, Country Time is launching the Littlest Bailout Relief Fund, a fund to send stimulus checks to kids who had to close their lemonade stands due to COVID-19.

“The small business government bailouts helped some not-so-small companies and Country Time hopes to help a real small business near and dear to us – lemonade stands”

The Country Time Bailout Relief Fund will send stimulus checks to help kids preserve the values of lemonade stands, honest work and entrepreneurship, while putting a little juice back into the economy. For a chance to receive Country Time Bailout Relief funds, simply visit and apply for a bailout check. Check your email to find out if you have been randomly selected to receive a bailout, which will come in the form of a commemorative check in the mail and a prepaid gift card by email.

country-time-giving-money-kids-lemonade-stands-closedand can be saved, or better yet, spent to help invest in the local economy.

“The small business government bailouts helped some not-so-small companies and Country Time hopes to help a real small business near and dear to us – lemonade stands,” says Andrew Deckert of Country Time, “Country Time has a history of helping lemonade stands when they are in trouble, like stepping in to pay for permit fees and fines, and this year is no different. Due to social distancing guidelines, lemonade stands aren’t what they used to be, and we want to help kids foster their entrepreneurial spirit by offering a small relief to those who can’t operate their lemonade stands this summer.”

The Littlest Bailout comes after Country Time launched Legal-Ade in 2018, which helped kids across the country pay permit fees and fines on their lemonade stands due to outdated permit laws. Legal-Ade prompted legislation in several states across the country, including Colorado and Texas, to legalize lemonade stands by excluding them from businesses that need a permit to operate. This year, Country Time will continue helping kids and their lemonade stands to ensure even the smallest of businesses can keep their entrepreneurial dreams alive. So, when life gives you social distancing, make lemonade.

For more information about the Country Time Littlest Bailout, visit

—Jennifer Swartvagher

Featured photo: Country Time Lemonade


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