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Danny Trejo Saves Child from an Overturned Car & He’s an IRL SuperMan

Actor Danny Trejo may have gained fame for his “bad guy” roles in some seriously gore-filled flicks, but the actor recently got the chance to play super man—in real life!

Earlier in the week Trejo rescued a young child following a two-car crash. And no, this was not a scene for one of his upcoming movies.

Trejo, along with bystander Monica Jackson, saw the crash and sprung into action. The actor reportedly crawled into the car through the window and attempted to unhook the seat belt. When he couldn’t free the child by himself, Jackson helped Trejo to save the trapped tot.

The actor’s awesome assistance didn’t end there. Trejo reportedly talked to the child, trying to keep him calm, as firefighters freed the boy’s grandmother from the driver’s seat. Trejo told ABC7, “He was panicked. I said OK, we have to use our superpowers. So he screamed ‘superpowers’ and we started yelling ‘superpowers.” The actor added, “We got kind of a bond. I kept facing him away from the accident.”

—Erica Loop

Featured photo: Danny Trejo via Instagram 



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