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14 Things to Do on a Tuesday

Just when you thought the pinnacle moment of a Tuesday was the tacos for dinner (though those are great, too!), the DMV delivers all of these other fun activities for you and your kids to experience together. From museum mayhem to play place parties, there’s a little something for everyone…on a Tuesday. Scroll down for our top 14.

Photo: iStock

1. Chow down at Brookland Pint.
Parents have to eat, and kids have to eat. So why not let the kids eat for free?! Kids get gratis grub at Brookland Pint every Tuesday with the purchase of a burger, or entrée. Bonus: The kid’s menu is printed on a drawing of the beloved Brookland neighborhood and comes with a set of crayons. How awesome is that?

2. Play Date Junction on Tuesday
Who says that you can’t enjoy play spaces just as much as your little ones? On Tuesdays, Play Date Junction–located in central Maryland–sets up rad play dates for littles and their caretakers. 

3. Burn some energy at My Gym Bethesda.
Leaps, turns, and tumbles, oh my! At My Gym, kids get fit while having fun. No membership? Not a problem. Non-Members can visit during open gym (aka Practice and Play) at scheduled times throughout the week for $12. Practice and Play is from 2 p.m.-3 p.m. on Tuesdays.

photo: Clintus via flickr

4. Jump out the sillies at Sky Zone.
Who doesn’t love flying; or at least getting high enough to feel like you are? Sky Zone opens up for children ages 5 and under during their Toddler Time from 9:30 a.m.-11 a.m. daily. The cost is reduced to $7 for tots, and parents can enter for free- unless they want to spread their wings too (go ahead, you know you want to!).

5. Swing, ride, and splash at Westminster Playground.
Just looking to go to a playground on a good weather Tuesday? Add Westminster to your list. This gem of a play space is tucked away in the Shaw neighborhood in NW. There are a ton of donated ride-on toys and a spray pad that is controlled by little hands…literally. #GuaranteedFun.

6. Enjoy a puppet show at Bloombars.
Bloombars is a community space located in Columbia Heights DC. While there are many cultural events for adults that take place, there are also daily children activities and performances. A puppet show happens every Tuesday at 11 a.m. and 12:15 p.m.. Check it out and then come back again on Wednesday for drumming and singing.

7. Choo-choo through the B&O Museum.
Does Junior like trains? Then, he will LOVE the B&O Museum in Baltimore. Going on the first Tuesday of the month will score you half-off the admission price. After walking around and inside model trains, go for a mile-long train ride, and let your mini have a ball in the toddler area.

8. Catch a show at the Atlas Young Theatre.
Atlas Theatre presents a series of interactive performances for children throughout the year. The programs are geared towards toddlers and older children and are designed to make them laugh and to feel like they are a part of the show. Visit their website or call to learn more about upcoming Tuesday shows.

Photo: Creighton Hammond via flickr

9. Picnic at the National Cathedral.
Pack a picnic basket for dinner and enjoy the Bishop Garden, which is filled with native plants, flowers, and adorned with a fountain and a koi pond. If you can, stick around to listen to the cathedral bells that begin ringing every Tuesday at 7 p.m.

10. Explore new things at Q?rius and Q’rius Jr. at the Natural History Museum.
Have a curious child? Q’rius at the Natural History Museum will become one of his or her favorite places to visit. Here, kids can touch EVERYTHING in the exhibit room. Imagine microscopes, fossils, butterfly wings, and magnets. No need to thank us!

photo: James Di Loreto, Smithsonian

11. Get a closer look at some of the animals at the National Zoo.
Any day is a good day to visit the Zoo. But on Tuesdays, you can watch an elephant training demonstration at 11 a.m. or meet a farm animal at the Kid’s Farm at 1:30 p.m. Check the daily schedule for more activities.

12. Create a new world at Magic Ground.
This place is a kid’s paradise. It’s equipped with a gigantic climbing space, mega slides, a ball pit and more. Outside food is not allowed, but there is a café menu with kid-favorite dishes. The cool thing about visiting Magic Ground on a Tuesday (or any weekday) is that admission is at a minimum (the weekend prices are higher) and there’s less of a crowd. #winning

13. Use your imagination at Playseum Bethesda.
The Playseum always serves up a good time, allowing children to explore and use their imagination to no end. This summer, the Playseum is also serving up baked goods. Kids can make a cherry or strawberry turnover (yum!), pizza (Lunch? Done.) or a chicken pastry with cheese (sounds delightful!). Visit the website for the summertime baking schedule and costs.

14. Woodridge Library Pajama Story Time    
Every Tuesday at 6 p.m., the Woodridge Library invites its young patrons to gather around for songs and bedtime stories. Throw on some PJs and grab your kid’s favorite teddy and come out for an interactive learning time with other children and the librarian. The best part is that when you get home, Jr. is already dressed for bed. Sweet!

–Yolanda Johnson