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5 Infant-Friendly Indoor Play Spaces Every D.C. Parent Should Know About

We all love the playgrounds and tot lots around D.C., but what about when it’s raining, chilly and we just want to hang with our babes and not get run over by 12 year olds? We have the answer: Indoor playrooms! Baby stays warm, you keep your cool, and everyone has a jolly good time.

Photo: Chris_Parfitt via Flickr

Alexandria Soft Playroom
Designed for kids under five years old, the Alexandria Soft Playroom is a literal safe haven for little ones. With padded floors and walls, babies can climb, crawl, and roll around without bumping into anything hard or sharp. There’s usually a good contingency of local families,  so if you’re new to the area it’s a great place to get to know other Moms and Dads with similar aged babes. Cost: $4

Chinquapin Park Recreation Center
3210 King St. (Alexandria, Va)

Lee District RECenter Soft Playroom
Movable toys, a mini ball pit, tunnels, stairs and more make the Lee District RECenter soft playroom one of the coolest things south of the Beltway. Little kids can move, shake, roll, jump and play till their hearts are content. Most of the big soft blocks are portable so babies can build, bridge and climb over everything without getting themselves into tight squeezes or sticky situations! Cost: $5

6601 Telegraph Rd. (Alexandria, Va)

Wisconsin Place Community Recreation Center
Infants, toddlers and babies rejoice—the Community Recreation Center’s soft playroom was built just for you. Mini basketball hoops let future Michael Jordan’s dunk balls, while soft blocks will create the ultimate pint sized bridge builder. Plenty of round, square, triangle, and oblong shaped objects will keep even the littlest baby entertained; while older kiddos (think 10 months) can practice their cruising and pull-ups on the large foam bricks. Cost: $5

5311 Friendship Blvd. (Chevy Chase, Md)

Library of Congress Young Reader’s Center
If books galore aren’t enough to convince you that your little one will have a good time, then try visiting during Friday morning story time. Babies and little ones have the run of the place while they listen to animated storytellers bring books to life, watch puppet shows, play with stuffed animals, and climb on and over the many chairs and poufs. While you can’t take these stories or furry friends home, it’s a great excuse to instill babies with a love of reading and culture in the Nation’s Capital. How many other people can say they had playtime at America’s Library?! Cost: Free

Library of Congress Young Reader’s Center
Jefferson Building Room G29
10 First St., SE (National Mall)

Busy Bees Play
Fly into Busy Bees and you’ll soon learn what all the buzz is about–play, play, and more play. This place is a little one’s dream come true, full of blocks, towers, crawl spaces, bouncers, and even a merry go round! It’s designed to work on a tot’s gross motor skills while still allowing them to have a ton of fun. Babies have a specific area just for them, so Moms can sit back and relax or get down on the ground and play! Cost: $15 per kid; 1 and under are free

6110 D Arlington Blvd. (Arlington, Va)

Where do you take your baby for some indoor fun? Tell us in the comments section below.

—Hilary Riedemann