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Goldfish Crackers Go Nacho Tortilla & We Think We Have a New Favorite Flavor

Move over cheddar…there’s a new Goldfish cracker flavor in town and it’s pretty epic! New Goldfish Nacho Tortilla crackers are about to be your new favorite after-school snack.

This new marriage between Goldfish crackers and tortilla chips is definitely going to change your snack game. The new Goldfish Nacho Tortilla crackers were first revealed by JunkFoodMom, who explains that the new flavor is a “mash up of Goldfish and crunchy nacho tortilla chips.”

You’ll have to wait to discover what this unique mixture actually tastes like, it won’t hit store shelves until Jan. 2019. Until then we can only guess whether it will have enough crunch to be dip-able like a chip.

Either way it sounds like it will be just the right snack to wean the family off of the stream of holiday party buffet snacks that you’ll all be missing by January.

—Shahrzad Warkentin

Featured photo: AllieKF via Flickr



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