Get your little turkey ready for Thanksgiving. Hello Bello just launched their newest, festive monthly Diaper Bundle Box for November. The limited-edition November box can be easily transformed into a cardboard Turkey right before your eyes.
These turkey boxes will be arriving on the doorsteps of bundlers all month long for gobbles of fun at home. The box even comes with an activity for extra fun. Use the tail-feathers to write down what your whole family is thankful for this year.
As part of the brands quest to become more eco conscious, these November boxes are now made of 100% recycled materials which in turn the company estimates will save on thousands of mature trees, kilowatts of energy and gallons of water.
Hello Bello diaper bundles start at just $65 for 7 packs of diapers. With several new diaper prints and patterns bundling is the perfect way to save while the adorable boxes provide a fun activity that the entire family can enjoy.
—Jennifer Swartvagher
All photos courtesy of Hello Bello