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Here’s Why “Me Time” Is a Must-Do for Every Mom

Whether you’re heads deep in the latest project at work, planning countless events, a working mom, a WFH home or a SAHM: “me time” is so important. This didn’t occur to me until my best friend insisted I join her at her wine club in beautiful Sonoma, California—a.k.a, Wine Country. Mind you, she asked and kept asking about three weeks ago, so I figured that’d be enough of a heads up for the hubby to watch our 15-month-old while I go and have a good time with a close friend.

Boy did I need that me time and girl time. I’ve been so in tune with my daughter since she was born last year, then my job when I came back from maternity leave, that I haven’t really taken the time—or the day—for myself. Sure, I’ve gotten mani-pedis since Jadyn was born, but I’ve never really ventured away from comfy clothes and hair in a bun since becoming a mom. Only the rare occasions of a wedding or special event will I get all spruced up.

Since becoming a mom, my focus has been on my child and what is good for her: healthy foods, what products to use, breastfeeding versus formula feeding, is she hitting every milestone, etc.—I have forgotten what it’s like to really be me.

I have missed me.

I have missed getting dolled up just to go out with a friend for an afternoon.

I have missed putting on a cute outfit, perfume and fixing up my hair.

I have missed conversations that don’t revolve around my daughter (although, they all end up that way when your kid is cute!).

I have missed laughing over stupid-funny memes and stories.

I have missed not having to worry about getting home quickly because I felt bad about being out.

It feels so good to have a little of the old me back.

The question I’m asking myself now, is how do I actually keep a little of the old me front and center in this new, absolutely amazing life I have with my beautiful daughter and cozy family?

Short answer? Sign up for a wine club.

That’s right, I took the plunge. I signed up for the same wine club my bestie took me to: Gloria Ferrer Vineyards. This will give me an excuse once every three months to venture away from my day-to-day, get dolled up, indulge in a free flight of bubbly and just be me. (Granted, I’ll likely bring a friend or two so I don’t have to do it alone!)

And I can’t wait, because this me time has been long overdue.