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Hot Topic: Mini-Cappuccinos for Kids?

Would you like a puppy to go with that espresso? 

The next time you’re at your local coffee shop ordering up that much needed caffeine fix for yourself, why not take a cue from some Brooklyn parents and order a “Babyccino” for your kid because apparently, juice boxes are soooo 2011. According to The Brooklyn Paper, Park Slope parents (if you’re curious about these stroller-toting mamas check out this video for some tongue and cheek fun) are all about introducing their kiddos to the wide world of dark roasts, medium roasts and everything in between.

For those curious (or appalled, or thrilled, or merely, buzzing on your own cup of joe) Babyccinos are mini decap cappuccinos or frothy cups of steamed milk and foam, often served with cinnamon to please the little one’s refined palate. The trend originated in Australia about a decade ago and has spread to England where mini-Brits partake in this beverage of choice. Not to be out done by our friends across the Pond and down under, Brooklyn parents have hopped on the band wagon (much to some barista’s chagrin). As one dad commented, “Our children love babyccinos!” Each babyccino, which isn’t on any official menu, will set you back about $2.

What do you think of this newest trend? Totally appalling or understandable since many parents love to spend time in kid-friendly coffee shops? Let us know in the comment section below your stance and if you’d ever order your kid a babyccino.