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How Do You Raise Responsible Kids? Give ‘Em Chores

Most of us have great intentions when it comes to involving our kids in chores, and goodness knows we could use the help. But how do you know which chores are best for your kids and how do you implement a system that won’t result in more work for you? And how do you message the importance of chores to your child in a way that instills responsibility, discipline and teamwork? We’ve got a game plan!

“Teach them the skills they’ll need in real life, and give them enough leash to practice those skills on their own.” –Julie Lythcott-Haims, How to Raise an Adult

Parents, Learn First

What to Do & How to Get Started

Emphasize that chores are exciting because they mean the child is ready to start learning how to be a grown-up, vs. characterizing them as a burden or a bore. Frame chores as jobs that have to be done and that are unpaid. You can add in other “money jobs” beyond chores if your child wants to earn some money. Keep allowance independent of chores. Read more about allowance here.

Make a Game Plan for Introducing Chores

Here’s an example schedule to kickstart things for a 4-5 year old. Keep it simple. Be consistent.

Inspired? Here’s a blank template for My Weekly Chores for you to individualize. More life skills here.

If Your Child Resists Doing Chores

This post originally appeared on Plinkit.