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How to Have Grown Up Fun Despite a Little Third Wheel

Making time for your non-mom friends is just as important as squeezing in date night with your significant other. But if carting your kid off to the sitter just isn’t possible, there are plenty of ways to enjoy some grow-folks girl fun and conversation with the little one in tow. We have ideas for every (kid) age that will allow you to gab, get a drink or simply share some quality QT with your best gal pal while your small fry stays occupied.


0-3 months: Get Some Grub Together
This is the time for lunch dates. Schedule them around your baby’s snooze time (which hopefully, is most of the time these days). Once they are passed out in your carrier or stroller, let the leisurely lunch commence.

3-12 months: Walk and Talk
Your babe is not yet mobile, so take advantage of being able to take a brisk walk with them. Pop them in the carrier or stroller and set out on a scenic, blood-pumping walk with your bestie. The movement and changing scenery should keep them occupied while you chat.  We are even betting your little will take a little snooze.  

1-3 years: A Tot Safe Space
This is when the challenge of completing a sentence gets real. And playgrounds and wide open spaces still require you to keep a constant eye on your wobbly (and possibly dirt eating) toddler. We suggest setting up shop beside a safe and contained playspace such as a sandbox or water table. If there are other kids there to splash with, all the better. But at this exploratory stage, it may be worth convincing your pal to join you at an age-appropriate indoor playspace or kiddie museum.  

4-6 years: Creative Museum Encounters
At this age, your kids are becoming more like mini contemporaries, so take them somewhere they can engage with you and your friend. An art museum is a great place for a date. We suggest you bring a sketch book and let your little sit on the floor and get creative while you and your girl gab it up.

6 on up: Playgrounds
Sure, you may be sick of playgrounds after, say, 2,000 plus days of hanging out at one, but for your childless friend, a seat on a sunny, scenic bench with an iced coffee in hand will seem perfectly quaint. By six, you child should be trustworthy with all the swings, slides and ladders on their own, so you can focus on your friend. We suggest hitting up a new, splashy playground and even bringing your child’s friend along so they stay occupied. 

Do you have any ideas for girlfriend dates with your kiddo in tow? Let us know in the comments below!