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9 ‘Harmless’ Phrases That Hurt Kids More Than You Think

son hurt by father's harmful words


No matter how hard you try, there will come a point in your parenting journey when you say something you assumed was harmless—but wasn’t. You might not notice it at first. It could even be something you grew up hearing in your own household. But sometimes, you’ll catch yourself and wonder if that was the right thing to say. Like when you find your child dumping their kinetic sand in the toilet and immediately respond with, “What is wrong with you?!” only to instantly see their faces turn, reminding you they’re just kids.

Is it the worst thing to say “What is wrong with you?” to your child? Not exactly, but depending on your tone, you might end up causing them to feel shame—as if they’re a problem that needs to be fixed (which they clearly are not). So what other “harmless” phrases should we look out for daily?

1. Anything that insinuates that expressing emotion is bad.

No one likes to hear their child cry, but shedding tears is perfectly healthy. Unfortunately, we have several phrases that shame our kids out of feeling their feelings. “We are essentially teaching kids to ignore and push away feelings of sadness and anger, which are important emotions that signal our bodies to pay attention to triggers/important information,” says clinical psychologist and children’s book author Dr. Anjali Ferguson.

2. ​​Eat everything on your plate.

Dr. Hafeez says that while it’s essential to encourage children to eat healthy and try new foods, this phrase can be harmful as it can lead to overeating and a negative relationship with food. “Instead, encourage children to listen to their bodies and eat until they are satisfied rather than forcing them to clean their plates,” she adds.

3. Be careful! You’re going to hurt yourself.

“While it’s natural to want to protect children from harm, this phrase can lead to unnecessary fear and anxiety. Children need opportunities to explore and take risks to learn and develop their physical and cognitive abilities,” says Dr. Hafeez. Instead of constantly warning kids to be careful, she recommends simply supervising and guiding them as they learn and grow.

Related: 6 Better Phrases to Say Instead of ‘Be Careful’ When Kids Are Taking Risks

4. Don’t talk to strangers.

It’s good to teach kids about safety, but Dr. Hafeez says this phrase can instill an unnecessary fear of people they don’t know. “Teaching children how to recognize unsafe situations, ask for help when needed, and communicate effectively with others is better,” she says.

5. That’s life.

Mendi Baron, LCSW and CEO of Moriah Behavioral Health, says adults tend to use this phrase as a catch-all for when something bad happens. This implication can cause a child to internalize that life is made up of awful things, causing unnecessary fear and worry. “We never say ‘That’s life’ to good things that happen. Explaining that certain things in life are going to happen is ok, but we tend to only generalize the negative things,” Baron says.

Related: 8 Ways to Say ‘No’ to Your Kid (Without Actually Saying It)


6. I don’t know.

Baron says it’s important to acknowledge when you truly don’t know the answer to a question, but phrasing it this way doesn’t allow room for growth. More than that, this backfires on parents as he says it’s why our kids and teens end up defaulting to “I don’t know” when they want to avoid answering questions. “It’s better to say ‘That’s a good question,’ followed by, ‘I will find out the answer or look for an answer,’” Baron says.

7. You’re so smart!

It’s so easy to utter this seemingly benign phrase whenever your kid gets a good grade or figures out a complex problem, but it’s good to think twice before using it. “This phrase may seem like a compliment, but it can actually be harmful to a child’s self-esteem in the long run,” Kahlon says. “By constantly telling a child that they’re smart, they may start to feel pressure to live up to that label and become afraid of making mistakes or taking risks.”

8. Making a promise and not following through.

We’ve all been there. You really did mean to finish that game of Monopoly with your kid tomorrow, but then work ran late, and dinner needed to be made, and suddenly it’s 9 p.m. and everyone’s got to get to bed. While this is okay once in a while, you don’t want to make it a habit. “Children thrive on routine and predictability, so inconsistency can be harmful to their sense of stability and security,” Kahlon says. “It’s important to follow through with promises and set clear expectations to help children feel safe and secure.”

9. Anything relating to being “good” or “bad.”

Kahlon and Dr. Ferguson both offered examples that emphasize children’s behavior as good or bad, both of which can be harmful.