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It’s Okay to Rest Your Weary Head

Photo: Ali Flynn

Sometimes we all need to rest our weary head, take pause and simply sit for a moment.

It may not look pretty. We may look a mess. But, we are doing exactly what we are meant to do, at that moment.

Some days we truly need to rest our weary head.

Maybe we are in overdrive due to not being able to shut down thoughts, which perseverate through our mind, day after day, and the stress taking hold, causing feelings of isolation…but it’s okay to rest your weary head.

Maybe it’s taking on too much as a Mom and attempting to be everything to everyone, answering what feels like hundreds of questions daily, while our name is being called over and over again…but it’s okay to rest your weary head.

Maybe it’s the balance of work, friends, family, and everyday stressors taking over and suffocating who you are as an individual woman…but it’s okay to rest your weary head.

It’s okay to say no.

It’s okay to take a break.

It’s okay to feel overwhelmed even when trying your best to keep life moving forward with positivity.

So friends, no matter what is weighing heavy on your heart and no matter what is weighing you down, know this to be true:

It’s okay to take a pause and do what is meant for you at that moment.

Not what is meant for your friend. Not what is meant for your mother. Not what is meant for your neighbor and not what is meant for your sister.

You. Do what is right for you.

Do you need a break away?

Do you need ten minutes alone to regroup?

Whatever it may be, acknowledge what you need and give yourself permission to lay down your head, take a deep breath and move forward along your journey.

Your soul will thank you for the respite.

It’s okay mama to rest your weary head.

This post originally appeared on Hang in there mama by Ali Flynn.