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Stay Cool Before Heading Back to School

It may be hard to believe, but summer is almost over. With the back to school rush comes a desire to fill what remains of summer with a few more fabulous outings and adventures – preferably ones that will lower your temperature during the dog days of summer.  Here are the best ways to keep cool until it’s time to head back to school.

Get some new toys

The long days of summer give way to more time for play. But perhaps you're looking for an adventure that doesn't require you to travel beyond your front driveway. One stop at this new beachside toy store and you can gather enough games and goodies to keep the at home adventures going until bedtime.

Photo credit: ©2014 Jon Hill

How do you say cool in Los Angeles when the temperatures rise?  Let us know your favorite spots to chill in the comment section.

-Krishann Briscoe