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Local Is Cool For Back To School

You know you’re a Gen X parent when Back to School conjures images of Trapper Keepers, scented erasers and shiny new Mary Janes (the shoes, people). But as a parent, we’re thinking useful; the backpack that won’t fall apart, packing of the lunches day after day and the – ugh! – getting up early. These uniquely LA ideas make going back to school that much more fun.

Soothe First Day Fears

For kiddos who are starting a new school this year (preschool, Kindergarden or who have moved to a new school) there might be some nerves to settle before you can even starting thinking about clothes and lunch. One great way to get prepared is with a personalized book from that lets kids know what to expect. Twigtale is a company that guides you through making personalized children's books focused on childhood transitions. Genius - so clearly it was started by 2 LA parents. All books are written by child development experts, then you personalize them with photos and family details. The starting preschool and going to school books walk kids through what they can expect from their new routine, new surroundings, and new people. It makes it a lot less scary, and is perfect to read in the days leading up to school, as well as to bring along in the backpack.

Make your book online at

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What are your secrets for making it easier to head back to school?  Meet you in the comment section to find out!