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Local Is Cool For Back To School

You know you’re a Gen X parent when Back to School conjures images of Trapper Keepers, scented erasers and shiny new Mary Janes (the shoes, people). But as a parent, we’re thinking useful; the backpack that won’t fall apart, packing of the lunches day after day and the – ugh! – getting up early. These uniquely LA ideas make going back to school that much more fun.

Lovely Lunch Ideas

Chances are good that you’ve got at least one recipe in your family repertoire that came from the Weelicious website (the Spinach Cake Muffins are a national treasure). LA supermom Catherine McCord first created her addictive site filled with brilliant ideas for getting kids to eat healthy meals that the whole family can enjoy together. Then she wrote a cookbook, Weelicious: One Family, One Meal. Then she did every parent who has ever packed a lunch a favor by writing another: Weelicious Lunches: Think Outside the Lunch Box, with ingenious tips and tricks for packing that perfect school lunch. For tired parents who dread packing lunches even more than getting up early, this book is as necessary as back to school shoes.

Book available at local bookstores and online, recipes available online at

What are your secrets for making it easier to head back to school?  Meet you in the comment section to find out!