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Have No Fear, the Sleep Experts Are Here

Newborns get their days and nights all mixed up: you’re ready to hit the hay, but he’s ready to party. If you’re more of a zombie than a mommy lately, chances are you could use a sleep expert. Because, well, babies. We’ve found the best local sleep experts who will show you the ABC’s of getting you and your baby some regular ZZZZ’s. All you have to do is keep your eyes open long enough to read this.

photo credit: Christina Fiedler

Baby Sleep Solutions 
By her own calculation, Kathy Sinclair has spent at least 2,856 nights without sleep so that parents of newborns could get theirs. And if her advice worked for celeb parents like Cindy Crawford and Ashley Sweeney, then it will surely work for you. Kathy swears that no matter what you are doing – co-sleeping, breastfeeding, bottle feeding – she can get your baby sleep trained as early as six weeks old. Where do we sign up?

Kathy Sinclair
Baby Sleep Solutions
Phone: 310-850-8880

photo credit: Bridget Coila via Creative Commons

No More Counting Sheep
Rested child. Happy parents. It sounds so simple, yet most new moms think that it is normal for a child’s sleep to be totally unpredictable for the first year. Not so. Sleep expert Sasha Hawkes lets parents adapt her ideas to their own parenting styles. In her opinion, crying it out is not an option – but rather employs soothing techniques that help children feel secure and ultimately sleepy. Your neighbors just rejoiced.

Sasha Hawkes
Phone: 213-910-4520

photo credit: Donnie Ray Jones via Creative Commons

Sleepy Planet
I think we all want to live on that planet – you know the one where kids go to bed at a decent time and stay asleep all night long. Yeah, that one. Jennifer Waldburger and Jill Spivack are making it a reality with their time tested sleep coaching methods. They’ll go in, do an evaluation of your sleepless situation and fine-tune a step-by-step plan that will have your family back to bed in no time.

Jennifer Waldburger and Jill Spivack
Sleepy Planet
Phone: 310-573-9474

photo credit: Christopher Meredith via Creative Commons

Jenni June
Tune in to the sixth season of “Guiliana and Bill” on the Style Network and you’ll see Jenni work her magic with their son Duke. This celeb couple was just as exhausted and frustrated as the rest of us. Turns out sleep deprivation is a universal thing, as is the need for a sleep trainer when things get really bad. Jenni is hosting a number of conferences, known as Family Sleep Events, from now until the end of the year through out Southern California. Attend and you’ll get the whole run down from managing expectations to finally getting some shut-eye.

Jenni June
Phone: 619-312-1212

photo credit: Christina Fiedler

Pump Station
If you really need help, like stat, check out the calendar of events at your local Pump Station. You might know them as your go to source for all things breastfeeding, but they also offer a wealth of other helpful classes, namely ones that will teach you how to get your baby on a regular and reliable sleeping schedule. Find the store nearest you and register for a class with just a few clicks.  Sleep is coming, soon.

The Pumpstation
Locations in Santa Monica, Hollywood and Westlake

-Christina Fiedler

What did you do to get your child to sleep through the night?  We’d love to hear your secrets in the comment section below.