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Get Up and Go: Kimberley Blaine

We’re teaming up with Blue Shield of California to celebrate local LA moms who have inspired us to seek healthy, balanced lives.  This week, meet Kimberley Blaine, executive producer of the www.TheGoToMom.TV.

As a survivor of childhood domestic violence, Kimberley vowed to change the support available for new moms.  Her online based videos at tackle everything from nutrition for fussy eaters to kids’ hygiene (We all know the hardships of teeth brushing and nail trimming!)

Kimberley is a mentor and advocate for living each day with empathy and a solid community – and her two boys have proven, she’s knocking it out of the park!

Red Tricycle: You’re part of a group of moms that are on a serious mission.  What’s yours?
Kimberley Blaine:  Our mission is to improve the quality of life for moms, their children and their families overall, keeping in mind that children’s health and well-being is a top priority—but that it should also be a priority for moms too!   Our parenting segments are committed to educating and advocating for families with young children.

RT:  Your TV shows are informative and insightful.  What inspired you to start them?
KB: I remember feeling really lonely as a new mom.  There were days that I felt really isolated and I had so many questions. I found other moms were feeling the same way, and so we grew to include over 70 families.  Once I saw a true need for this level of community – the idea for came to life.

RT: It goes without saying that your kids are actively engaged in what you do.
KB:   It’s been fascinating to watch my children grow as TheGoToMom.TV did.  I make a point to teach my children that we are a family who is here to help others.  Empathy and consideration are a big part of our family values. There is a lesson every day in teaching your children that they are a part of being a socially responsible human.

RT:  That’s serious business but I’m sure there’s been a lot of humor along the way too.
KB:  Yes!  This is really embarrassing!  But my youngest, after watching one of my TV segments, turned to me and said, “Mom!  You’re such a show-off on TV!”  I don’t think he was used to seeing me in that environment.

RT:  There are other moms out there who want to impact their community in the same way you’ve done.  Any advice?
RB:  I really encourage other moms to find what makes them happy and hone in on their vision. Research is hugely important.  Who is doing what you’re thinking of, already?  How well are they doing it?  In the end, try to develop your idea a bit differently.  And as the old Nike saying goes, “Just Do It!”

Be Like Kimberley!  Blue Shield of California’s Wellness Challenge:
Positive emotional well-being—from compassion to empathy— is a tenet of wellness. And passing those values onto your children is of utmost importance.  Says Kimberley:  “When my son was in 1st grade, he witnessed a classmate being bullied.  Instead of being afraid, my son stepped in to help.  It was then that I realized he was learning what it meant to act empathetically and selflessly.”

Blue Shield of California is an independent member of the Blue Shield Association.