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Making Mom’s Self Care a Priority


Clarissa Sidhom

I help mamas find style, sanity, and sisterhood! My parenting and lifestyle blog shares self care, family fun, and mom hacks to make life easier and more beautiful.

As moms, we focus so much energy on our families, which means we often neglect our own mental, emotional, and physical health. There’s simply too much to do each day, so we often bump our needs off the to-do list.

But the best way to be the BEST mom is to make sure you are taking care of yourself! Here’s some ideas for intentionally making self care a priority:


A Quality Probiotic

Who knew your gut affected everything else so much?!


After researching lots of probiotics, I realized that many are NOT quality - which makes all the difference! After 2 months of taking this probiotic/prebiotic combo, my usually terrible stomach bloat is completely gone, and my digestion is so much more regular. This isn’t a glamorous part of self care, but our gut health affects everything- even our skin and emotions. (Use code modernhipstermama for 15% off!)



Delicious At-Home Lattes

Be your own barista for a fraction of the cost!


There’s something therapeutic about sipping a hot flavored latte, but we can all agree that those green mermaid cups add up! Making lattes at home is so easy, and you can buy flavored syrups to customize your drink. It’s also really fun to offer your guests when they come over! This espresso machine will give you lots of love in the form of caffeine.



Calming All-Natural Scents

Quality essential oil while supporting small business


Emotions, memories, and scents are so intertwined- so one of the best ways to improve your day is simply through your nose! I love diffusing and wearing essential oils, not only for any health benefits, but also for a non-toxic way to make your home smell amazing. I love supporting this small business because their oils are fantastic, work well, and have free shipping!



Your Personal Water Trainer

When you need motivation to get it done


Drinking lots of water is such an easy way to make our health a priority! This giant water bottle has markings to challenge and reminder you to keep drinking throughout the day.



Hair, Skin, & Nails

Major impact with nearly zero effort


While most of us would love to include a manicure and blow out in our self care routine, one of the best things we can do is make sure our hair, skin, and nails are healthy! I introduced this affordable daily biotin supplement and have seen huge improvements already - without adding any time to my routine.