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Mattell Announces New Takeback Program to Give Toys New Life

Got old toys? Mattel is here to give them a new lease on life.

The Mattel Playback program is all about recovering and reusing materials in Mattel toys and is a part of the company’s larger effort to reach 100 percent bio-based, recycled and recyclable plastic materials in all of its products and packaging by 2030. Starting out, the program will take Barbie, Matchbox and MEGA toys, with other brands becoming available for recycling in the future.

Participation is easy. First, pack up your Mattel toys that your kiddos have outgrown, then visit to print a free shipping label. Mail off to Mattel, where your box will be sorted ed by material type, processed and recycled.

If there are materials that cannot be recycled, Mattel PlayBack will convert them to energy or downcycle into other plastic products. The program is currently available in the United States and Canada, with France, Germany and the United Kingdom using a third-party partner to launch similar options.

“At Mattel, we are committed to managing the environmental impact of our products,” added Pamela Gill-Alabaster, Global Head of Sustainability, Mattel. “The Mattel PlayBack program helps parents and caregivers ensure that valuable materials stay in play, and out of landfills, with the aim to repurpose these materials as recycled content in new toys. It is one important step we’re taking to address the growing global waste challenge.

For more information on the Mattel PlayBack program, visit

––Karly Wood

All photos: Courtesy of Mattel



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