This Browser Is a Game Changer for Online Shopping
by Karly Wood
One of our editors, Karly Wood, took Microsoft Edge, a browser loaded with shopping tools, for a test run for her holiday shopping. Here’s what she found:
Christmas is easily my favorite time of year. While many people quickly tire of the music, shopping and overall flurry of the season, I could blast my carols all day, every day and be quite the happy elf.
Even though the season seems synonymous with spending money, I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that staying on budget when it comes to gift giving is one of my top priorities. Would I love to spend hundreds of dollars on each member of my family? Absolutely! Can I afford to do that? No, I cannot.
When I heard that a new browser just launched to make staying within my holiday budget a cinch, I had to try it out. I took to Microsoft Edge to use my $250 budget and see just how far this smart browser could stretch my funds—and spoiler, I was pleasantly surprised!
It's So Easy to Use
Trying new things can be exciting, but right now I need function! Microsoft Edge is so straightforward. Just pop in your shopping items and you're off and running! The browser automatically takes you where you need to go, offering ratings and reviews, coupons and pricing trends along the way. I've been wanting to get my step mom an Ancestry DNA kit and I know they've been on sale. But rather than purchase through the Ancestry website, Microsoft Edge showed me that I could purchase on Amazon and skip the shipping costs!
Original Price: $99.00
Price with Microsoft Edge: $59 + Free Shipping ($9.95 value)
Savings: $49.95
Microsoft Edge Does All the Coupon Work
Ever since Extreme Couponing rocked television, I'm always on the prowl for a good discount. Usually, that can take a lot of my time––which I don't exactly have a lot of on hand right now. Luckily, I don't actually have to do anything extra to make sure I'm getting all the available coupons at my fingertips. While I was shopping, the browser automatically showed me if there was an available coupon and get this: automatically applied it for me when I checked out! Because what's worse than finding a coupon, but forgetting to use it? (Been there, done that!) Based on this awesome feature, I snagged my daughter's coveted Barbie Dream Closet Playset at Target for almost $16 off!
Original Price: $48.49
Price with Microsoft Edge: $44.99 (7% off sale price) - $11.25 (Target Circle 25% off Coupon) - $ 1 super random Microsoft Edge Coupon= $32.74
Savings: $15.75
Peace of Mind on the Best Price Possible
How many hours have I wasted pondering if should buy something, only for it to go on sale after I purchased it? Microsoft Edge, you can do all that for me now, thanks. The browser does all the nitty gritty of tracking prices, so you know if your item is at a stable price or plans to fluctuate. Based on this awesome feature, I was confident that I was getting a great price on this Snapware set my mom wanted from Costco.
Original Price: $29.99
Price with Microsoft Edge: $24.99
Savings: $5
Heads Up on Better Pricing
Wait, I don't have to visit 20 websites to find the best price, you say? I've been on the hunt for a dutch oven for my dad for months, but they are pricy! Once I started shopping on Microsoft Edge, I knew I would get the best price. I checked out the Lodge website which listed the one I was looking for for $89 (way cheaper than Le Creuset, but come on savings!). Once I was there, Microsoft Edge alerted me to the fact that Walmart had the same item for $20 cheaper! Plus, all I had to do was click the link and it took me directly to the correct website. It's like I made money with how easy it was!
Original Price: $89.00
Price with Microsoft Edge: $69.00
Savings: $20
Microsoft Edge, you are my holiday best friend. I was able to knock out a bunch of family gifts, not to mention dance teachers and a buddy gift—while staying within my budget.