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Mom Hacks to Help Every Day Life

Bethany Jury

I fill my cup with wellness inspired tools for the soul.Full time mom, Addiction Fighter, Mental Health Warrior, & Toddler Referee. Rock bottom has been my trampoline.

Motherhood is so darn complex. We are always needing to take care of all the things; meals, baths, good hygiene, home school, sickness, appointments, sports, manners, laundry… gosh the list is endless. It doesn’t end there. We get a little “work” break from our kids for about 2 hours, before some sort of chaos, bad dreams, thirsty throats, or someone wet the bed- ensues into the night hours. These are the days we prayed for, am I right? It’s so true. But no one tells you that you’ll be out of gas when it comes to taking care of YOU, your mental health, and the little things that help keep you up to par in being the best mom you can be. Through my professional and personal lens, I’ve curated a small list of little things, that when added up can really make all the difference in moms filling their own cup, before they pour into others.


Liquid I.V.

Energize with WATER


You know so much of my adult life I had no idea that you could take care of your mental health when you take care of your body! Hydration is key in this, but I don't have time to drink 8oz of water a day. On top of that, one of the kids (or all 3), usually jacks some my water when I finally do get around to drinking it. Liquid I.V. enhances rapid absorption of water and other nutrients into you bloodstream. AKA 1 glass of water = 3 glasses! You will be amazed by how much energy you have when you stay hydrated.



Feather the Owl Bundle

Take the guesswork out of motherhood


I pride myself on giving my family the best of the best. One of the hardest things of being a mom is having to figure out if that runny nose is allergies or a cold. If that tummy ache is digestion issues, or stress. If those emotions are something underlying that happened in your kid's day or overtiredness. Not to mention the sleepless nights- oils formulated just for supporting kiddo's needs help with all that guess work. Oils take what your body needs and disperse the rest! We got this set for our 2.5 year old for Christmas last year and it's been super empowering for him.



Decocrated Box

Timeless, Seasonal Decor sent right to your door.


I love this box. I love decorating the house! You know what I don't love? Taking all three kids to a thrift shop, or Michaels to buy and pick out decor. Every season, Decocrated sends you a limited edition box that contains timeless, high-quality décor. Subscribe quarterly or annually, and cancel anytime hassle-free. I have been with decorated a full year now. In addition, I have bought their Halloween and Christmas boxes. There isn't a piece that I don't love in the boxes they send. A lot of the pieces I leave out all year long!



Persona Vitamins

Who knew vitamins could support your mental health?!

I love Persona Nutrition for so many reasons. How many times have you woke up, thought you took your vitamins and/or supplements but couldn't remember? MOM BRAIN is real. Persona Nutrtion personalizes your vitamin and supplement system (after you take a quiz) and has it sent straight through your door. Not only that, they have doctors and nutritionists on staff to work with you for your personalized needs. As a mental health professional, and as a mom, I have seen and experienced supplements do wonders for mental health. Talk to your doc about what supplements you might be lacking to support your mental health, and get your own personalized vitamins sent straight to your door, monthly for 30% off through my link!



Thieves Household Cleaner

One cleaner that replaces it all!


You know what I love most about this cleaner? I mean, other than the fact that I can safely put my kids to work cleaning. No guesses? ALL OF THE UNDER SINK SPACE that I have since this one cleaner replaces it all! There is something in the Thieves line to replace all your cleaners, but if you're into DIY- you can easily make your own stuff too! I keep it simple, because DIY isn't my thing, and use one dilution ratio to clean EVERYTHING. No more worrying about my 15 month old in the cleaning cabinet. No more worrying about the boys skating across the wet floor barefoot, as I clean. This plant based cleaner is full of wonderful goodies to support our immune systems. When you make the switch, it feels like a fog has been lifted within the home. I love that Thieves made it easy for me to make the switch. Don't let the price tag defer you from the purchase. I use 1.5 capfuls per 16oz bottle, and it ends up being cheaper per oz, than other plant based cleaners on the market!



PACT Clothing

Sustainable Clothing for the WHOLE Fam


If you haven't noticed YET, I'm all about 'dat toxin free and sustainable living life! PACT clothing is the company for you if you're into that too. They're a fair trade company, so in addition to helping save water, and using nontoxic chemicals in their clothing, Pact empowers and uplifts local communities! Okay, okay, enough about the company- why PACT for MOMS? They're affordable, comfortable, and I can take any piece and make it versatile for dressing up or lounging around the house. Plus, who doesn't like to feel good about supporting the planet?



Goli Apple Cider Vinegar

Tastes like Candy


What m-o-m has time to be sick? I don't have a Mary Poppins, so not me. ACV has so many benefits (google a credible source)! One of those, is supporting your immune system. This is an easy, affordable and tasty way to do that. Once you go to the site and view the benefits, you'll be on board!




Ground yourself with good FÜMs


Did you know that smell is the only sense of our 5 senses, that has a direct connection to our emotional brain and ability to ground your fight or flight in your prefrontal cortex of the brain? If you weren't aware, I am an addict in recovery from drugs and alcohol. Motherhood brings upon plenty of triggers for me in my sobriety and my mental health. I have talked to other mother's (not in recovery), and they experience triggers in motherhood too! Not so much to reach for drugs, but for wine. FUM is a tool that allows for a natural way for me to ground myself when I'm feeling flighty, or triggered. Whether you have smoked in the past or not, you know that a hit from a cigarette or medicinal marijuana can allow grounding for a person. This, is a non mind altering alternative, that I highly recommend!



Coco Village

Heirloom Toys, for Cool Families



Resource for Sobermoms

Momming Aint Easy

While I designed this course for my clients and mothers in recovery, I have shared it many a times with mothers who aren't burdened with the disease of addiction, and they find it very resourceful. Feel free to join for a free 5 day course on making momming just a wee-bit easier!