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Pin That! Pinterest Boards Every Parent Must Follow

With all the birthday parties to plan, the recipes to try and the trips to take, it’s no wonder we’re still obsessed with Pinterest. Operating as a virtual bulletin board, it’s easy to spend way too much time online after the kids are asleep and the dishes are (kind of) done, because there’s just so much to, well, pin. Get inspired by checking out our favorite boards; covering desserts to décor and everything in between. Dream big, and get pinning.

Family Travel from the Mama Maven

Travel before kids was so easy. Just throw a few things in a bag and go. But now that the kids are involved, things are a little more challenging to say the least. This board from Mama Maven, a favorite of ours, has tons of tips to make every last detail, from the plane flight to the hotel stay, a breeze.

Follow the board: