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Here’s What 2017 Looks Like at Red Tricycle

Red Tricycle is powered by a small, dedicated staff many of whom are busy parents who know all about the pressures of balancing career, children and self-care. We asked our team to tell us their resolutions for 2017. Scroll down to read them and see if they match your own!

photo: Wikimedia Commons

Stop saying, “I don’t have enough time.” Because, really, I have the exact same amount of time as Coco Chanel, Mother Teresa and Oprah–and look at how they’ve changed the world.
—Ayren Jackson-Cannady, D.C. Editor

More family weekend adventures—both in the city and the forest!
—Mandy Hale, VP of Operations

photo: Allison Sutcliffe

In 2016, I resolved to write quite a bit of my novel. While I have the first and last chapter, I still have a long way to go. So the resolution to work on my novel begins again in 2017.
—Leah Singer, Managing Editor, Contributor Network

2017 is a milestone birthday year, so I am pushing myself beyond my comfort zone in a few areas, including a mother/son trip to Tokyo.
—Jacqui Boland, CEO

photo: Owen and Aoki via flickr

Read out loud to my kids every day!  We did when they were littler, but now that they’re such great readers on their own (and we’ve gone the Little League route, and the sleepovers have exploded) it seems the we get home too late or they want to finish the book they’re immersed in.  I re-read this article and am inspired to make our family reading happen every night this year, no matter what!
—Meghan Rose, L.A. Editor  

After having almost completely FAILED in my implementation of a mindfulness practice in 2016, I am upping the ante to committing to a full-on meditation practice. (Desperate times…) I’m also resolving this year to keeping my friends closer, and put my money and political mojo where my mouth is.
—Mimi O’Connor, NYC Editor

photo: Wendy Altschuler

My goals in 2017 are to volunteer for more silliness with my kids than for committees, to listen more intently to the news being broadcast from my backseat than from the radio, and to accept help when it is so graciously offered. I also want to clean my closet at least once (just keeping it real…).
—Shelley Massey, Atlanta Editor

My resolutions for 2017 are (hopefully) to travel more and to (again, hopefully) convince my husband he has no need for the hundreds of CD jewel cases stashed away in the office closet!
—Gabby Cullen, National Editor


2016 was full of massive change for my family (new state, new city, new house, new job responsibilities, son starting kindergarten, adopting a dog…) and along with that came lots of details to oversee and naturally, lots of stress. So in 2017, I vow to take some pressure off myself by embracing the messes, fears and silliness that life offers and not sweat the small stuff. Unless by small, you mean Smurfs. Then I am absolutely going to obsess.
—Amber Guetebier, Daily Editor

2017 is a year of life changes for our family, from moving to welcoming a new baby, so my resolution is to take it in stride and don’t sweat the small stuff! Oh and get organized, lists will be my new best friend.
—Caitlin Dowling, NYC Calendar Editor

What’s your 2017 resolution for this year? Share it with our community in a comment below!