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Where to Ride a Ferris Wheel In and Around NYC

There’s something about the sight of a Ferris wheel that makes adults and kids go “Ooohhh!” Is it the height? Is it the way they go around like a clock? Whatever it is, once you’re on one, you’ll get a whole new perspective of the world around you. From a Coney Island classic to a soon-to-come Staten Island wheel of record size, flip through the following photos to find eight Ferris wheels to ride in and around NYC.

Wonder Wheel at Coney Island

The Wonder Wheel - a New York City landmark that dates back to the 1920s - stands 150 feet tall and seats 144 people. Of all the rides available at Coney Island, this is the one that will offer you and the kids a full view of this wonderland and other special views from Brooklyn (on clear days) like the Verrazano Bridge and the Manhattan skyline. Unlike ordinary Ferris wheels, the Wonder Wheel has cars that slide in and out of hubs as the wheel goes around. Each car can carry up to six people.

Wonder Wheel at Coney Island
Location: 3059 Denos D. Vourderis Pl. (Boardwalk and West 12th St.), Coney Island
Phone: 718-372-2592
Hours: Varies
Price: $7

Which Ferris wheel are you adding to your summer bucket list?

-Wendy Lau