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Shoogies NYC: Homemade Baby Food Delivered to Your Door

In the age of infant yoga and sign language, baby-proofing consultants, and preschool advisers, prepping your own baby food is just par for the course. But sometimes there simply aren’t enough hours in a day to do it all. And that’s where Shoogies NYC comes into play. Founded by Shari Pessah, a passionate and knowledgable foodie and aunt of two, the service delivers homemade organic baby food right to your door. It’s the best of both worlds: You get to spend more time with your baby and less in the kitchen, and they get tasty, creative, and nutritionally-sound first eats without having to worry about preservatives. Here’s everything you need to know about Shoogies.

OK, Let’s Get Started. How Does It Work?

Parents get to select from a varied menu of baby-ready purees and toddler-friendly foods on the Shoogies website. Go a la carte by picking and choosing what might suit your baby best, or try an age-specific intro pack to get a pre-selected sampling of Shoogies eats. Then choose a delivery window when you know you’ll be home to accept in, and that’s it. Orders arrive tucked inside insulated (and reusable) coolers, and food can be refrigerated, frozen, or of course, eaten immediately.

This Sounds Really Expensive: True or False?

It’s not cheap, but it’s all organic, and everything’s included. Orders must hit a minimum of $35, with meals ranging between $4.59-$6.59. Purees arrive in 6-ounce containers, and should last for at least two feedings. Delivery is $5 in Manhattan and Brooklyn, and $10 on Long Island.

What’s on the Menu?

This is where Shoogies truly won us over. A trial run for our one-year-old tester consisted of a spinach grilled cheese, broccoli pita pizza and alphabet pasta with tomato sauce (to name a few). Infant purees range from single-ingredient fruits and veggies like apple, butternut squash and zucchini to combos for older babies including a broccoli-cauliflower blend, or apple-brown rice-sweet potato mix. All meals are nut-free and vegetarian, and no added sugar or salt is used.

Intrigued? Would you try a baby food delivery service for your early eater? We’d love to hear what you think of Shoogies if you decide to give it a try!