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This School Offers Classes for Future Leaders of the World

Have a brainiac in your life? Keeping them challenged can be, well, a challenge. Dedimus Potestatem provides fun, academically challenging programs for students in elementary, middle and high school. Dedimus Potestatem‘s student-focused programs aim to create the next generation of well-informed, well-spoken leaders, advocates and diplomats. Their programs include DebateModel UNModel CongressMock TrialEtiquetteSTEMLeadership, speech writing and more. They’re currently offering both virtual and in-person private and semi-private classes, group sessions and after-school programs. Read on to learn more about this cool school that will send your kid straight to the head of the class in no time!

To register for Dedimus Potestatem classes or private sessions, click here or email

Leadership Skills for a Lifetime of Success

All of Dedimus Potestatem's programs strive to empower students and integrate essential leadership skills sought after by top universities and employers. Through action-packed and exciting programs, Dedimus Potestatem teaches students to communicate, delegate, negotiate, resolve conflict, take initiative, adapt to new situations, empathize, effectively plan, manage time and more. (Do they offer these classes for adults?!)

Fun fact: Studies have shown that students who are highly engaged in their learning process learn more and retain information longer. Dedimus Potestatem has it covered, by emphasizing student proactivity and practical application of skills taught (because use it or lose AND practice makes perfect!).

Innovative Classes for the 21st Century

Dedimus Potestatem's curriculum is packed with classes to develop your kiddo's leadership skills, critical thinking abilities, and their creativity!

Many of Dedimus Potestatem's programs help learners become engaged citizens. Through Speech and Debate, students will build their literacy and multi-media research skills, work on public speaking and learn about civil engagement. With Fairy Tale Mock Trial, kids will get to experience a hands-on simulation of the American judicial system done through the role-playing of characters in children's favorite stories. Model Congress and Model UN let students take on their own worldly challenges, debate international policy and understand how to create compromises with other delegates.

Dedimus Potestatem's also has classes like STEM Bioethics to challenge kids' ethical thinking (while learning all about DNA) and programs to encourage creative thinking, including a new Visual Storytelling class that teaches kids how digital platforms are changing the arts and activism (What kid wouldn't get excited about a TikTok class?) and Finding Your Voice; Understanding and Writing Poetry—a course on understanding and building a love for poetry.

Too advanced? They've got Little Leaders covered with a Pre-K and Kindergarten class that gives students the skills they need to succeed in life. The play-based syllabus centered around character traits most sought and admired in leaders: initiative, honesty, self-control, adaptability, empathy, persuasiveness, resourcefulness, diligence, tolerance, determination, generosity, punctuality, courage, reliability, endurance, deference, creativity and integrity.

To register for Dedimus Potestatem classes or private sessions, click here or email

Classes That Get Results

Read what top schools and parents have to say:

“The benefit of Dedimus Potestatem’s enrichment programs for the students went beyond raising one’s self-confidence and debate skills. The programs teach leadership and critical thinking, empowering students to stand up for what is right, fight for the truth, learn to value teamwork, develop goals, become engaged in civic discourse, and feel empowered to become beacons of peace for a better world. Just a fantastic leadership organization!”
— Dr. Lidana Jalilvand, Director of After-School Programs, The United Nations International School

“Having a debate team at our school has boosted the confidence and curiosity of our participating middle-schoolers. I’ve seen huge growth in critical thinking skills and a more polished approach to expressing thoughtful opinions,”
— Monica Masterson, Director of auxiliary programs, BASIS Independent Manhattan

"As a mother to a tween who first met Ms. Elizabeth at age 8 and grew up with her leadership, mock trial & debate classes, I'm simply astounded by her at 3 levels. First is her ability to connect with children. My son simply adores her, as does my 6-year-old daughter. All of her other students love her, to the extent that the parents are all fighting to have her teach their children’s classes! Second is the passion she has for her mission: to create a young generation of intellectuals with morals and integrity who critically appraise what they are presented with. When faced with an unfounded accusation of academic misconduct, instead of fear or defense, my son cautioned me against the use of ad hominem in my email response to the teacher. I was simply dumbstruck. And humbled. No price for guessing whom he’s learned that from! Last but not least is Ms. Elizabeth's ability to connect with her parents. Her smile, her enthusiasm, and the intellectually stimulating conversations are simply the best!
 — Vicki Tse, parent

"One of the best things to happen to my son, Sasha, was starting after-school debate and court trial classes with Elizabeth. At that time he was a nine-year-old 5th-grade student. Fast forward almost four years and he is a confident 8th grader, ready to argue what he believes in and open enough to engage adults and kids alike. Working with Elizabeth and participating in these classes has taught him teamwork, public speaking and the importance of fact-checking. Elizabeth knows how to work with kids, how to motivate them and always encourages them to do their best. She's fun, warm and always there for them—we're truly fortunate to have her be an influence in Sasha's life."  
— Ivana Krizanic, parent

Assemblies with special guest speakers are offered throughout the year. Click here for more info or to join their upcoming

assembly, The Frontlines of Peace, with special guest Dr. Severine Autesserre.


To register for Dedimus Potestatem classes or private sessions, click here or email


—Jamie Aderski