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Child’s Play: 13 Toy Stores That Make Shopping Fun & Easy

If trudging through big box retailers and looking for the elusive toy for your kid makes you want to take a long winter’s nap, read on. We found 13 independent toy stores that will get you excited about tackling that long list. All of these store’s owners are passionate about toys: the selections are impeccable, and the displays and presentations are artistically imaginative. After visiting these shops, you may just start to feel that this truly is the most wonderful time of the year.

7. Norman & Jules: Winner of Red Tricycle’s Totally Awesome Award for Best Toy & Book Store, Norman & Jules knows how to make both parents and kids happy. The toys may all be analog, but they're as stimulating as any video game. Created and designed by local and international artisans, the handcrafted wooden toys, colorful costumes and sweet stuffed animals on offer at this Park Slope shop will leave you saying, “Awww” and your kids saying, “Mine.”

Norman & Jules
158 7th Ave.
Brooklyn, Ny
Phone: 347-987-3323
Hours: Open daily, 9 a.m.- 7 p.m.
What is your favorite NYC toy store?
-Alice Perry
All photos courtesy of Alice Perry except Norman & Jules.