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Nurses Share Why This Is the Gear You (Really) Need for Babies

Expectant parents get a LOT of advice on what they need and don’t need. Postpartum Nurses share the gear you’ll really need for the first 6 months.

1. Co-sleeper – Instead of a crib, which might as well be a football field to baby, get a co-sleeper or a Pack n Play that stays right next to your bed and can be easily moved if needed.

Here’s why:  Baby will be feeding a LOT those first weeks because their tummies are only the size of a cherry and eventually a small peach. Co-sleepers are the ideal place for baby to be because whether breast of bottle feeding, it will be easy to feed baby being so close to you.

The AAP recommends room sharing, but no co-sleeping, for the first year with baby. This is to promote safety, easy response to baby’s needs and of course bonding.  So, little sleeper right next to you is the perfect answer to this recommendation.

2. A Wipe Warmer:  Everyone will say the wipe warmer is not a necessity – we say YES!

Here’s why:  With all of the elaborate and expensive baby items we’re told to buy, many people tell parents not to “waste” money on a wipe warmer. We feel it’s money well spent when stocking your nursery because a wipe warmer can help keep baby asleep or calmer during nighttime diaper changes! How can anyone say that’s not worth $15?!

3. A Baby Carrier:  Sling, Bjorn, K’Tan, Ergo, Moby, TwinGo…doesn’t matter, just get one.

Here’s why:

Babywearing means comfort for baby, with up to 43% less crying Parents get to see baby’s cues up close. Learning how your baby acts when s/he’s hungry, sleepy or in need of a change of scenery or positon means that you’ll respond quicker to all these things. This makes everyone happier and healthier! 2 free hands! Wearing baby means you can tend to older children, do household tasks or get yourself something to eat.

You CANNOT spoil your baby by holding him or her too much. This should be common sense but here’s just one of the studies supporting babywearing if you need it.

4. Onesies and zip-up sleepers:  Everyone asks how to tell if baby is too hot or too cold. The rule of thumb is whatever you would be comfortable in + 1 layer, so a 1 piece sleeper plus a swaddle is usually ideal.

Here’s Why:  One thing we know about SIDS is that overheating can be a contributor, so ensuring baby is properly dressed allows him to be comfortable and safe. Do yourself a favor and just get some good zippered sleepers and onesies for peace of mind and ease of use.

Bringing home baby is full of personal and exciting decisions and there are so many right answers about what to do. There are lots of experts out there but you’re the expert on your baby so we hope this list helps!


Photo: Denise Stern

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